Declarations for a New Day
We have received so much from the Lord through His prophetic and written Word from our New Day Conference. Graham told us that whenever we receive something from the Lord, it is a conditional is conditional to a response. I went back over the conference messages from Chuck Pierce and Jen Tringale and re-wrote many of the prophetic promises into decrees and declarations. I would encourage you to pray them, declare them, add to them whatever God speaks to you, and take this action to activate the prophetic words and instruction.
Lord, you have decreed that we are stepping into a brand-new anointing. We decree over Washington, DC that a brand-new anointing is falling upon that city and the surrounding states. Over DC, America, and Your Body, we make the following declarations:
- Lord, You have decreed that we have been given the anointing of redemptive prophecy. We prophesy over DC that every prophetic word and root of righteousness is being hooked and brought into the present and future. We decree every principality and spirit trespassing in the city of seated authority is now removed and replaced. Ignite the revival fires and righteous judgment throughout the chambers of every government building…Shine Your glory upon every sinister plot hiding in the background, taking every single one out of the shadows and bring them into the Light. We render them powerless, impotent, and replaced NOW in the powerful name of Yeshua.
- We prophesy to the dry bones of Washington, DC, according to Ezekiel 37: Hear the Word of the Lord as we prophesy to the very breath of that which has been deflated from the foundations of government and justice in DC, and we prophesy to the breath, and say, “Thus says the Lord God: Come from the 4 winds, O Breath, and breathe upon these slain that they may live!”
- We prophesy to the wells of Liberty and Freedom with shouts of GRACE, GRACE, and declare a breaking in our favor and shift in our direction is occurring to reconnect the purposes and promises of God over America, re-establishing true Liberty and Freedom that will break the back of the enemy’s plan to divide, conquer and destroy the purposes of God over the governing seat of the United States.
- We command the Armies of Heaven to pursue, overtake, and recover all that has been stolen from America as we take our places in attack formation to decree and declare the Word of the Lord, a flaming sword of power, into the darkness. We decree every Word of God that has been absorbed into the marrow of America will now come forth. We declare a connecting of the past, present, and future purposes of God Almighty, the Great I AM…Yahweh…who will be anything and everything we need Him to be for our nation. You have need of us, Lord, and we have greater need of You.
- We release the sound of our voice and the power of Your Word to combine into a frequency of a war cry never heard before. Shake the foundations of darkness that has been allowed into our nation and bring every Dagon down as we establish and raise up the Flag of Heaven’s Kingdom over our nation. We decree a rumbling and shaking of all things that can be shaken so that the Kingdom of God remains. Every curse, we turn it into blessing. Every wrongdoing and sinister move, we call them out of the shadows and into Your marvelous Light…and we speak GRACE, GRACE, GRACE, GRACE…ABUNDANT GRACE!
- We declare Lord God You have surrounded America with Angelic deployment, and the time has already begun for the Light of Your Glory to expose and rid the darkness that has been allowed to rule. Your eyes are upon America, Almighty God, and the time has come for the Spirit of God alive in us to pursue, overtake, and recover all that has been stolen. We decree this is the year of the high places and who will rule in those places, and we declare that it is the year for the Goliaths to be dethroned as You position a renewed America in her historic moment.
- We declare the identity of America has shifted from being a worm on the world stage to being a new, sharp threshing instrument with teeth that will bring order and justice to these United States and the countries of the world. We declare that America is in the right place at the right time for Your divine purposes to be accomplished. We raise President Trump and his administration up to You, Lord, and cover him with prayers of protection, wisdom, understanding, and courage. Open his mouth and draw out the deep DNA of Your Spirit into every atmosphere you assign him and his team. We decree that great success and favor is upon those whose hearts are turned to You, Lord. On behalf of our nation, we turn our hearts and eyes to You alone. We are in it to win it.
- We come in agreement with Your Word that we are living in a monumental moment in history to stand in Your authority and win the day at hand. We have what it takes for the moment we are standing in. You have forged a galvanized stance of authority in us all that is unbendable and unbreakable. We declare this peace, this righteousness, this triumph over opposition is the heritage of being Your servants, and this is the righteousness of vindication that we have obtained from You, Lord. We will not be concerned or fear any weapon formed against us because we ARE a weapon. We commit to vacating any spectator place or position, and we report for the many assignments You have for us to cover our nation. Our eyes are on You, Lord.
- We declare a new guard is arising. There is a changing of the guard that comes as a promotion in the Spirit. We declare we are taking an elevated place, and the things we have prayed and even written down in our journals will play out quickly over a series of days, one event upon the heels of another. The Word of the Lord is a hammer, and we arise into the position of being used as Your hammer, to break open the past and bring everything into the new. We move quickly, quickly, quickly, Lord. Our eyes are on You, Yahweh!