A Story Well Written
God Wrote Your Story
What a wonderful revelation to know that before you were even a substance of humanity, God wrote a book of all your days. Think about that. Your days preceded your birth, and included in those days were the dates of your birth and the timing of your graduation to glory.
- Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they ALL were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them. Psalm 139:16-17
- You have hedged (enclosed) me behind and before; and laid Your hand upon me.
Psalm 139:4-5 - Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6
I have found Psalm 139 to be of great comfort especially in times I find myself questioning my true identity. Have you been there? Things don’t work out the way you thought they would. Disappointment and sorrow become overwhelming. Regrets of how you wasted opportunities in your life or remorse over the years of wasted living try to haunt you.
We all have these moments at one time or another. How we respond is the most important key to unlocking our future or we can remain unchanged and chained to our past. “You have lost opportunities that will never again be available”; or, “You should have never made that decision”; or, “If I had only made this choice, my life would be so different.”
God Has You Covered
Myriad questions can be added, but they all end up facing the same truth. God said before your birth, your days were written out. His further truth declares that His hand is before you, behind you, and upon you. Think about that.
Totally enclosed by the hand of God, your life is ordered. How could I have made so many mistakes? Easy answer…it is part of your book. Even our mistakes and rebellion serve the purposes of God to mold us into His perfect plan.
Every area of my history has been to establish His will in my life, even the most blatant sin and rebellion of my past. God knew my past would lead me to the place of my eternal decision to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior.
When I came out of my past by understanding the saving grace of Jesus, I came out of my former life with a resurrecting power of authority to speak into the lives of others. That is what our salvation does.
- It should be activating a devil-thumping authority in the very areas of which you were once enslaved. It’s all part of your book. This is your freedom chapter!
- The Bible didn’t say you had to be faithful for your life to be perfected. The book of Philippians said He would be faithful to complete the good work in you.
- The Father uses every area of our lives to develop an authority to release the power of His great love to others.
Trust In His Care
I can still wrestle with the question of my free will, whether or not I can thwart the perfect will of the Father for my life. But more and more I am being set free in understanding my book was pre-written with a destiny and purpose, and He has me completely enclosed as He carefully, and with great detail, changes me into His image.
As a finished product, I will stand perfect before Him when my time is complete. So will you.
Do You Know Him?
If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, your story is now open to opportunities of great growth and upgrades. You don’t have to live in regrets of the past. Your life is about to get much better. Your past served the purposes of God, and He now has you exactly in the position He desires—under His hand and surrounded by His great care.
Your future has exciting challenges ahead because He is an exciting God. No matter what the circumstances may dictate, your true identity is wrapped in the hands of God.
Now Is The Time Of Salvation
If you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, and you feel something deep in you drawing you toward Him, the process is simple. Pray this prayer: Lord Jesus, I present myself to You, and I know that I need You to change my life forever. I am sorry for my sin, and I thank You for dying on the cross for me. I place all my sin at the foot of the cross, and I ask You to be Lord and Savior of my life.
Show me who I truly am—the one You created me to be. Take me into this new place with You where You lead and guide me into this great understanding. Thank You, Lord. I receive You today. In Jesus Name, Amen.
If you accepted Christ today, or if you have wandered far away from His presence, and you prayed this prayer, please email me and tell me so I can rejoice with you.